Best Weekend Ever

I can’t lie. Saturday was one of the most eventful days of my life; it was also one of the greatest. It wasn’t the greatest day because it was my birthday though. It was the greatest because it was spent with my best friend. I tend to talk a lot about my best friend, it’s probably just because she is basically me; she’s just in a different body. Our chemistry is unbelievable. We just connect on a whole different level. The whole time we were together we were cracking mad jokes, laughing, singing, and I was extremely happy. She is my everything. She is a really great person and she’s very influential, in the best way possible. I feel like I can come to her about anything  and she is very trustworthy. She makes me the happiest out of everyone. Literally anytime we talk, my mood changed and I get extremely happy. Khai always knows how to keep a smile on my face. Other than me getting to see my beautiful best friend, my closest friends came to my birthday dinner. I feel so blessed to have been able to do that and spend time with some of the people that I love the most. My whole weekend was incredible. I could not stop smiling at all. This weekend was an unforgettable one. I hope that this will be something that I will always remember because it’s truly one of my most favorite moments in my life. I’m really blessed. EDA4D6D9-4965-4A3B-85DD-810BD999EF62


My Top 10 Pet Peeves


(Somebody walking extremely slow in front of me.)  R.Alewine

I actually have a ginormous amount of pet peeves and very little patience with others. That isn’t a quality that I like about myself, but I have it so I might as well embrace it and write a list of pet peeves that I have.
My first pet peeve that I have is when people interrupt me. I hate being interrupted with a passion, it makes my blood boil.
My second pet peeve is when people lie to me. Especially when it isn’t a good lie, COME ON! Do better. Why lie?
My third biggest pet peeve is when people get in front of me just to walk as SLOW as a TURTLE. I swear I have road rage when I’m walking in the hallways.
My fourth pet peeve is when couples say I love you every 2 minutes. Sheesh. We know you love each other and all, but why do you have to express your love for each other every 2 minutes?
My fifth pet peeve is when you goto a restaurant and instead of a couple being regular people and sitting across from each other at a booth… they sit right beside each other. That literally makes me cringe.
My sixth pet peeve is when people scrape their silverware across their plate. The sound is horrifying.
My seventh pet peeve is when people chew with their mouth open. Why can’t you have the decency to close your mouth? Why do you have to be a horrible human being?
My eighth pet peeve is musty people. Please wear deodorant. Take care of yourself.
My ninth pet peeve is people who get offended over everything. It isn’t that serious. Why must your feelings get hurt with every breath i take?
My tenth and final pet peeve is when people smoke cigarettes while I’m in their car with THE WINDOWS UP. You’re killing me! Roll the windows down PLEASE.