My Best Friend Has Changed My Life

I know that it’s a little crazy to say that one person has the potential to change your life forever because friendships don’t usually last forever, but either way… I hope that this one does. My best friend makes me happier than anybody in this world ever could. She is seriously always here no matter what. Anytime that I call she always picks up the phone and listens to me vent about whatever. She is probably one of the most reliable people on this entire Earth. THIS HUMAN LITERALLY PUTS UP WITH HOW BIPOLAR I AM AND HOW RIDICULOUS I ACT ALL THE TIME. I am so blessed and grateful to have met this girl. She always knows what to do in order to keep a smile on my face and make sure that i’m good. Lakhai always keeps me company and is always here no matter what we go through. I could call her at any time of day and she’ll pick up the phone within seconds from the time I dial. We can literally laugh about everything and joke on each other without getting offended. That is one of my favorite things about our relationship with each other. My relationship with her has been life changing because she has changed me. She has made me a better person and she continues to make me better and better every day. If I didn’t have her in my life, I would be very depressed. I can say that she is one of life’s greatest blessings for me.

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